Listen to ANSWER and UfPJ…

Listen to ANSWER and UfPJ rally news live

“Everything is ok, but things are a little tense,” said one person on the scene.

Police are driving motorcycles into the crowds, etc.

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10:18 The crowd moving north on 5th Ave from Union Sq. stretches about 12 blocks. Police report 500-1000. <Yeah, right..>

At the same time, the ANSWER rally has turned into a march and is going south along 8th ave

9:39. The protest pens are opening up again near MSG; second and first pen combining. Police still there, protests more happy at ability to move.

9:35. Report from the ANSWER rally: police are driving motorcycles into protest pens.

Police are penning in 8th Avenue, with protestors inside. Many police there. Very tense.

It should be emphasized that the rally has been completely peaceful and ANSWER has a permit. Yet police apparently want to clear the streets before Bush speaks.