Bob Woodward’s new book: Iraq…

Bob Woodward’s new book: Iraq invasion planned in 2001

Another heat seeking missile is soaring towards Bush – Bob Woodward’s new book, which will be excerpted in the Washington Post this weekend, contains devastating information.

Beginning in late December 2001, President Bush met repeatedly with Army Gen. Tommy R. Franks and his war cabinet to plan the U.S. attack on Iraq even as he and administration spokesmen insisted they were pursuing a diplomatic solution, according to a new book on the origins of the war.

The intensive war planning throughout 2002 created its own momentum, according to “Plan of Attack” by Bob Woodward, fueled in part by the CIA’s conclusion that Saddam Hussein could not be removed from power except through a war and CIA Director George J. Tenet’s assurance to the president that it was a “slam dunk” case that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Woodward describes a relationship between Cheney and Secretary of State Colin L. Powell that became so strained Cheney and Powell are barely on speaking terms. Cheney engaged in a bitter and eventually winning struggle over Iraq with Powell, an opponent of war who believed Cheney was obsessively trying to establish a connection between Iraq and the al Qaeda terrorist network and treated ambiguous intelligence as fact.

In other words, everything the Bushies told us about the war was a lie.