Open letter to US anti-war…

Open letter to US anti-war movement

The open letter from Arab-American & Muslim community to the U.S. anti-war movement, has now been endorsed by well over 200 organizations and coalitions, up from 142 just days ago. It has circulated worldwide, gaining wide support all over the Middle East. Virtually every Arab and Muslim anti-war group has endorsed it. They hope and, indeed, anticipate that US anti-war organizations will endorse it too.

We are firm on these principles for the March 20th mobilization and beyond as we call on all communities and organizations to mobilize and stand in force under the following unifying five slogans:

1. End all colonial occupations from Iraq to Palestine to everywhere!
2. Bring the troops home NOW!
3. No to internationalizing colonial occupations!
4. Stop the attacks on civil liberties!
5. Money for jobs, education, and healthcare not for war!

The buzz in LA is building for March 20, as it is elsewhere too. Let’s make March 20 huge!