Saudi fighters join resistance in…

Saudi fighters join resistance in Iraq

Contrary to what you may be reading, this isn’t a hidden conspiracy at all…

A leading Saudi dissident says thousands of fighters from the kingdom are embroiled in attacks against  American occupation soldiers in Iraq.

Dr Muhammad al-Massari, a political activist living in exile in London has told that resistance attacks in Iraq will continue to escalate in Baghdad.

“There are around 5000 mujahedin fighters from Saudi Arabia in Baghdad, and many others joining them from all over the Muslim and Arab world.

Among these mooj, I’m sure, are battle hardened vets from the Afghanistan war.

And the raindrops keep falling on George Bush’s head:

U.S. position in Iraq seen as increasingly perilous

Independents bail On Bush

“Independent voters, who some say are key to President Bush’s re-election hopes next year, are losing confidence in his leadership in Iraq as attacks there continue,” a USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll has found.

Political threat to Bush growing

The latest rocket and bomb attacks in Baghdad are only the most recent in a series of setbacks for the Bush administration that threaten to turn Iraq into a political liability just as the 2004 election cycle is beginning.

And in a personal sign of the times, a conservative Republican cousin just emailed me and everyone he knows saying he can not, will not, vote for Bush in 2004.