War porn

War porn

“With their jazzy graphics, fact boxes and breathless statistics, the military pundits are everywhere. But aren’t they enjoying themselves a little too much? And who wants to know all this stuff anyway? Could sex have something to do with it, wonders Emma Brocke”

I’m finding most of the war coverage sickening. Wow, what a cool bomb that MOAB is, and look at Bahgdad get lit up when lots of bombs explode at once. Aren’t we studly!

Much of our media seems to think this is a video game they can play with (when they get done cheerleading the war and reading Pentagon press releases as “news”, that is.)

Ah well, with the Pentagon feeding you info, then you can run stories about how bitchin’ the bombs are and not have to do any actual investigative reporting or think pieces. Ain’t life grand!

Then you’ll need to ask them for more war porn.