Gay sex and murder investigation…

Gay sex and murder investigation in Bakersfield

Bakersfield? The oil town north of L.A. where Buck Owens lives? Yes, Bakersfield.

From the intro by the Bakersfield Californian, who spent three months investigating the story, which they titled  “The Lords of Bakersfield“.

“Powerful gay men. Vulnerable teen-age boys. Murder. For years, some prominent local men who led secret lives were rumored to be protected. Whispers surrounding another important man’s death prompt the question: Is there really a conspiracy?

The Lords of Bakersfield. Until recently, it was a little remembered local legend, of interest mostly to conspiracy theorists. But in the aftermath of Stephen Tauzer’s Sept. 13 murder and the subsequent arrest of his former colleague, Chris Hillis, the legend has resurfaced.”

Kudos to a small newspaper for doing serious investigative reporting, no matter where it led.