Tag terrorism

Pakistan’s “Strategic Depth” and endless war in Afghanistan

Pakistan's national security policy of supporting terrorist groups and militias as proxies against India, known as "strategic depth," is accelerating out of control, and they are either deliberately or inadvertently engineering a globalized religious war, a Clash of Civilizations. If pressure on congress is not increased, if the US remains on the slow, ambiguous timetable it is on now, it will be caught right in the middle of this clash.

All politics is local: Al-Qa’eda and the Afghanistan War

As pressure to end the war builds in Washington, supporters of the war in Afghanistan will invariably return to their strongest argument: the threat of Al-Qa'eda. However, a reasonable understanding of the terrorist organization shows that even Al-Qa'eda is not enough to justify a bloody and expensive occupation.

US-Pakistan negotiations leave out Pakistani people

America is pursuing its goals in Pakistan by engaging in a Strategic Dialogue with a military dictator who uses terrorism to fuel conflict with India. But unlike the Pakistani and Pashtun people, you have a voice in this Strategic Dialogue.

Grow up, America

A fine rant from “the somewhat offbeat mind of an armed lesbian pinko.” Be sure to read the whole thing. Americans need to grow up and get a grip. The Luftwaffe sent over wave after wave of bombers in 1940…