Tag podcast

Polizeros radio tonight. Occupy Wall Street

Tonight we discuss the continued growing support for Occupy Wall Street, which is coming from all sides of the political spectrum and making the plundering class quite nervous indeed. Listen to the show live, at Polizeros Radio on BlogTalkRadio. You…

Polizeros podcast tonight

Concluding our three-part discussion of solutions. Foreign Policy reforms: A resurgent Peace Corps so that practical things can again be done by people who don’t carry guns, ending wars and occupations that don’t address core interests, realistic “future threat” and…

Podcast. Gun-walking, CIA rendition, Obama speech

Last night’s podcast started with the growing Gun-walking scandal, where the US Attorney General’s Office in Phoenix allowed at least 1400 weapons and parts for hundreds of grenades to pass from the US to Mexico. Multiple federal agencies may have…