Tag Mitt Romney

Why the Romney campaign was gobsmacked after losing

The Romney campaign was clueless, arrogant  and believed their own polls rather than the more objective independent polls. I’m convinced that the incompetents they had doing polls for them simply told the Romney campaign what it wanted to hear while collecting…

Just how smart is Mitt Romney?

Mitt Romney probably isn’t particularly smart and that’s made worse by the habit of much of the 1% to pay someone else to do their thinking for them, says Cannonfire. I disagree with this a bit. It’s probably true of…

Ranking Republicans kick Romney to curb

pics on Sodahead Newt Gingrich told Evan Smith that Mitt Romney’s explanation of why he lost the election — by giving “gifts” to minorities and young people — was “insulting and profoundly wrong.” Republican governors Jinal of Louisiana, Martinez of…

Mitt Romney is the new Sarah Palin!

Mitt Romney has made a stunningly bad mess of his visit to Britain. People are openly disgusted with his arrogant, clueless demeanor and the Mayor of London, who is a conservative, attacked Romney at a rally of 60,000. From James…