Tag California budget crisis

California on fiscal brink

Schwarzenegger warns of layoffs if unions reject furloughs. Yup, they’re still paying chicken. LA County officials describe potential ‘doomsday scenario,’ something that will happen if the state defers payments to the county California says no income tax refunds, we’re broke.…

Schwarzenegger bangs rattle on high chair

Gov. Schwarzenegger now says he’ll veto the budget that finally got passed 78 days late. And if they override the veto he says he’ll pitch a hissy fit and veto hundreds of other bills simply out of spite. Golly, what…

California compromise budget fails

The Democrats say no more cuts or changes and the Republicans refuse to ok any tax increase whatsoever. The real problem is that California budgets have to pass by 2/3’s. The Democrats are two votes short while Republicans stonewall and…