Category 3D printing

3D printed apartment buildings and offices in China

#D-printed apartment building in China

A Chinese company is now successfully 3D-printing homes, offices, and apartments. It’s faster and cheaper than conventional building. The coming disruption in construction and building trades will be immense and worldwide. The entire industry faces shock waves of changes. Driverless…

3D printed horseshoes for horses with laminitis

Custom designed 3D printed horseshoes created from 3D scans are enabling horses with laminitis to recover faster. The horseshoes are designed to not stress affected areas between hoof and bone, allowing healing to occur faster. The first test subject, a…

3D printed audio speakers

Scientists have successfully 3D printed audio speakers, including magnetic, conductive, and plastic parts. The speakers are completely functional, just wire them to an amplifier. “It opens up a whole new space that makes the old look primitive,” said Lipson, one…