Thomas Ware

Thomas Ware

Which would you prefer?

This? Or this? I propose a wager, like Pascal’s but for Climate Change Deniers: If I am wrong, I don’t lose a damned thing. If you are wrong, we all lose the only planet we know of capable of sustaining the human…

Listen In

If you wish. Tomorrow morning on Breakfast in Bend my guest will Howard Wooldridge, co-founder of LEAP – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Wooldridge is a retired detective who has spent the last six years representing in the US Congress those law enforcement professionals who…

Putting Water Back Into the River

Out here on the Oregon High Desert local businesses and environmental conservation groups are partnering to conserve water, improve the fish and wildlife habitat and make the heart of the region’s Deschutes River more attractive to recreation and tourism. Read…

Is there even such a thing?

Though it may much ado of nothing, but why is it we never hear of the “Second World”. It’s always third world this third world that, and of late “first world slipping to third world”. If we’re first world, wouldn’t…