Jared Kushner used his populism as a campaign strategy

Jared Kushner had populist leanings and mistrusted the monied class he was born into. This was long before the Trump campaign. Kushner played a major role in developing strategy and tactics for the Trump campaign, using his populist leanings to help elect Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary tried to attract moderate suburban Republicans and was almost completely tone-deaf to populist concerns. Sanders OTOH, is a left-wing populist.

Members of the monied class and the privileged can and do find fault with their class. FDR sure did. As president he said “I welcome their hatred,” referring to the elite NYC banker class who loathed him. Considering Kushner’s populism predated the Trump campaign, I’ll assume his beliefs are sincere. And his populism helped elect Trump. I’m not comparing him to FDR, only saying he had a message many Americans wanted to hear.

Ross Barkan worked at The Observer when Kushner ran it. He says:

“When Kushner traveled with Trump across America, he would develop a disdain for the Manhattan elite he belonged to, believing they could not understand the frustrations of everyday people. As strange as this may sound to come from Kushner — his father is a New Jersey real estate magnate and he is worth many millions — I heard the sentiment through our editor-in-chief before Trump was even on the political radar.”

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