Eunice Carter, black prosecutor, instrumental in convicting Luciano


Eunice Carter, one of the first black female prosecutors in the US, worked for Tom Dewey. She noticed the same lawyers and and bail bondsmen kept showing up at arrests and trials for mobsters and started connecting the dots, which led back to Lucky Luciano. He was convicted and served ten years. The photo is from a display at The Mob Museum in Las Vegas.


As an assistant DA, Carter put together a massive prostitution racketeering case that led eventually to Mafia boss Lucky Luciano. Carter convinced New York District Attorney Thomas Dewey to personally prosecute the case. Luciano was convicted and served ten years, and was then deported. The case generated national fame for Dewey, which he rode to the New York statehouse, and to two unsuccessful runs for the White House. But while Dewey benefited from Carter’s prosecutorial skills, he also seemed to have genuine respect for her; she frequently accompanied him to political events in Harlem and elsewhere, and reporters noted that she offered him advice .


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