Obama Ministry of Truth. Drone strikes on citizens are “ethical”

This just in from Obama. Killing citizens without a trial is ethical!
This just in from Obama. Killing citizens without a trial is ethical!

The White House says, by golly, they can use drone strikes to kill US citizens they suspect of being evildoers without bothering with one of those pesky trials and further, such acts are “ethical.” Inquisitive minds will note that these killings will only happen on foreign soil presumably because our danged Constitution with its babbling about the right to a trial would interfere here. Also please note the White House specifically says they don’t need knowledge of any actual plot to assassinate. Maybe their spidey sense will tell them if someone is an evildoer?

It’s now official. Barack Obama is now more evil than Richard Nixon or most any other president. He is deliberately shredding the Constitution.

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