Childhood hunger rising in Connecticut, a properous state


Connecticut has always been one of the most prosperous states. Yet childhood hunger is steadily rising there too, based on the number of children getting free or subsidized school lunches. More disturbingly  this is happening in the wealthiest parts of the state as well as elsewhere too.

Children in Connecticut are hungry,” said Susan Maffe, president of the School Nutrition Association of Connecticut (SNACT) and director of Food Service for the Meriden public school system. “We know of children who come to school on Monday whose last meal was probably the lunch they ate at school on Friday.”


  1. Actually CT has some of the highest income inequality in the country. There are a lot of the country’s most “prosperous” people there, but cities like New Haven and Hartford are extremely poor, and there are a good deal of other former industrial cities that, while not quite as big and poor as New Haven and Hartford aren’t too far off, like Middletown and Bridgeport. Look,

    • I grew up in West Hartford, which is prosperous. Hartford has been circling the drain for decades. Part of the problem is that CT does not have county governmental entities. It’s just towns, then the state. So, if an insurance company moves from Hartford to Bloomfield all the tax revenue goes there and doesn’t get spread around. Plus, most of the wealthy ‘burbs could care less if Hartford survives. The class snobbery can be vicious.

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