Occupy Wall Street growing fast, support coming from all over

I don’t often quote this much, but OWS is growing exponentially and the following is seriously excellent commentary. We are at a pivot point in the country now. Let’s keep the movement growing.

Politics, money and OWS

The OWS protest has legs at this point in history. The failed debate on the stimulus and a USA blank check for the IMF is exactly what the protesters need. A rallying point. I think they will get what they need/want to take this to the next level. It will happen over the next two weeks. As a result, the OWS movement will go nuclear. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it ends with violence. There are too many cops and way too many angry people. Soon they will have something to be really be angry about.

Dear Occupiers: A Letter from Anarchists.

The problem isn’t just a few “bad apples.” The crisis is not the result of the selfishness of a few investment bankers; it is the inevitable consequence of an economic system that rewards cutthroat competition at every level of society. Capitalism is not a static way of life but a dynamic process that consumes everything, transforming the world into profit and wreckage. Now that everything has been fed into the fire, the system is collapsing, leaving even its former beneficiaries out in the cold. The answer is not to revert to some earlier stage of capitalism—to go back to the gold standard, for example; not only is that impossible, those earlier stages didn’t benefit the “99%” either. To get out of this mess, we’ll have to rediscover other ways of relating to each other and the world around us.

Police can’t be trusted. They may be “ordinary workers,” but their job is to protect the interests of the ruling class. As long as they remain employed as police, we can’t count on them, however friendly they might act. Occupiers who don’t know this already will learn it firsthand as soon as they threaten the imbalances of wealth and power our society is based on. Anyone who insists that the police exist to protect and serve the common people has probably lived a privileged life, and an obedient one.

Open letter to OWS from FedUpUSA, one of the original Tea Parties:

We support you in exercising your First Amendment Right. We are outraged that any peaceful demonstrator would be assaulted or abused by any authorities.

If you are protesting because there are no jobs— We stand with you.

If you are protesting because no one has gone to jail— We stand with you.

If you are protesting because everything costs more— We stand with you.

If you are protesting because you are tired of our bought and paid for government on both sides— We stand with you.

Only Together, can we Implement Change

Karl Denniger, founder of the original Tea Party, delivers a scathing response to Obama’s sleazy evasions. This again shows that the current battle in this country is about the 1% vs. the 99% and not about left vs. right.

So Obama said the other day that “What Wall Street did was immoral, but it wasn’t illegal” in response to a question about why nobody had gone to jail.

Really Mr. President? None of the following is illegal?

Laundering drug money. Wachovia admitted to doing it in court.

The former chief risk officer for Citifinancial testified under oath before the FCIC that the company knowingly sold loans on to investors that did not meet their quality guidelines and published claims. In fact, he testified that by 2007 80 percent of those loans were defective.

Ponzi Schemes generally. Ok, Mr. President, how about all the stock analysts, the market callers, and pension fund managers along with the real estate industry that have been pumping 8, 10 or 11% annualized returns for the last three decades?

Jefferson County Alabama jailed several politicians and others for bribery and other crimes related to the infamous “sewer bond” nonsense. Why have no bankers gone to prison?

Perjury is a felony in most circumstances. Banksters admitted to more than 100,000 instances of it by withdrawing perjured (“robosigned”) affidavit

Sarbanes-Oxley criminalized false accounting statements.

Washington’s Blog

Sorry MSM, but your storyline of communists, socialists, unions, and Obama supporters being the force behind the Occupy Movement is nothing but bullshit. All you old farts on this blog who think the Millenials aren’t worth spit, are about to get a rude awakening. This Fourth Turning is starting to take shape. [Note from Washington’s Blog: “The Fourth Turning” is a book on the cycles of history, endorsed by such a diverse group as Newt Gingrich on the right and Al Gore on the left. “Millenials” is, basically, a group of young people within a certain age range.] A generational war is coming. The Millenials are not dumb. They can see they’ve been screwed by the older generations. They didn’t create this debt. They didn’t make promises that can’t be kept. They didn’t build an unsustainable military empire. But they are the ones being stuck with the debt and no jobs. They have a right to be pissed off.

John Robb. What Occupy is really about

The real reason we are seeing this movement right now is because

Capitalism, the last great ideological system, is in crisis.

This isn’t merely a crisis of outcomes (economic depression, financial panic, etc.), it’s a crisis of BELIEF. While people generally believe in the idea of capitalism, a critical mass of people now think that the global capitalist system we currently have is so badly run, so corrupt, so terrible at delivering results that it needs either a) a complete overhaul or b) we need to build something new.

Our current system is indeed corrupt, compromised, and mostly useless for delivering anything of value. It’s time to take out the garbage on Wall Street.

Sign Language from socially_awkwrd on Vimeo.

Some links via the always excellent Zen Pundit


  1. Yankee Doodle Day-dreams, wet ones even! No oil on the Moon, Dandy, forget it! Gold only good for monetary manipulations by Goldman Sachs, the Feds the IMF, even the Illuminati, has no practical value, only speculative value. Uranium, monopolized by the Uber Rich to higher value, more dangerous than plentiful Thorium, soon to fuel plutonium free, safer, Chinese reactors, and Diamonds were always a promotion by shills from South Africa, still worthless as sand except to the well propagandized suckers! Even Lithium, for the oncoming electric cars, readily available, or replaceable by NiMh or better, batteries from the EV-1! Rare earths your goal? Think Canada, Africa, South America and much cheaper, more practical, prospecting teams with well trained geologists, geophysicists in tow, even satellite technologies for back-up. Even rare earths soon to be engineered around as they grow scarce, proving science know no bounds!
    Gonna build secret military bases on the Moon? So What! China took the U.S.A. without a bullet fired, on the economic battlefield of the world, decades ago, even while America armed herself to the nines for a WWII battlefield scenario. Nobody showed Up! Surprise Yankee Doodle!
    Define Lunatic for me? Does the old definition still stand? Ass-holes.

  2. The 99% are very angry at the FRAUD of Wall Street, the Street, in collusion with Washington.
    Corporatism means fascism by definition.
    This is big news, and another piece of the puzzle to expose that the economic system is corrupt and slanted to help the rich privileged class, and the corporate “Powers that Be,” and yet … with exposure to the masses, (and Occupy Wall Street movement appears to be masses until it is hijacked or co-opted ), about the horrendous extent of the fraud and harm that the web of debt by Federal Reserve System, Derivatives, and related financial and foreign currency transactions, that is privately owned to profit from us all by taxing us all through interest payments on these DOLLARS and other currencies for the benefit of the too big to fail and jail banksters, ….the house of fraudulent cards is beginning to shake and starting to fall down …
    The pressure and momentum needs to be increased to produce and interest-free economy of honest trades, business and commercial activity.
    Terrorism by Economic Collapse, debt bondage, money as debt on interest, etc
    Derivatives ‘Mother of All Bubbles’ exploding
    Hedge Hogs; Gold Man’s Sacks; “financial terrorist attacks;” and the Obama sellout:
    SUPER COMMITTEE BIG BANK ROBBERY and “this sucker” going down
    Super rich 1% vs 99 %; Terrorism Cycle: Guillotines: Occupy “ALL” streets.

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