Our Potemkin Village economic system

Everything is wonderful with our sparkling economy. The government has matters well in hand. (Just don't look behind the facade.)
Everything is wonderful with our sparkling economy. The government has matters well in hand. (Just don't look behind the facade.)

(Image from ConceptArt.com Environment of the Week Contest for Potemkin Village. The artists, unlike our government, know what they are creating is fantasy and not real. And they’re not being duplicitous.

Amendment could neuter FASB

Bob has asked for my comment on the proposal to move control of FASB from the SEC to the bankers. Here you go: should this proposal become law, then the second word of “accounting principles” is meaningless. And so will be my career. I will surrender my CPA certificate and seek work elsewhere, perhaps as a prostitute, which will then be the more honorable of the two professions.

One comment

  1. the last quarter of 2009 seems promising as we have seen lots of signs of econic recovery against the massive economic recession. i hope that in 2010 all our economies would be back on track. recession really sucks.

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