Video reveals G20 police assault on man who died

This is huge.

The Guardian has released video footage showing Ian Tomlinson being struck from behind by police at the G20 protests. He was not a protester and is the father of nine. He died of a heart attack shortly after being struck. The police have lied steadily and consistently about the cause and circumstances of his death.

Other witnesses corroborate the video.

Harry’s Place

I am sorry, but this is the most awful thing.

Watch the video.

If this film shows what it appears to show, and if the context is as we understand it to be, this is very possibly evidence of the ‘unlawful act’ manslaughter of a blameless man.

Watching the video, Tomlinson is walking in front of the advancing police, probably trying to get home. I’m guessing he’d never been in a protest and didn’t know that was like provoking a rabid dog. In this case, one of the rabid dogs killed him. How silly of him to think armed thugs would not club a 47 year old man obviously not a part of the protest.

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