New RSS feed

If you subscribe to Polizeros by RSS, the feed address has changed, as Google, who bought FeedBurner a while back, is moving all FeedBurner feeds to Google itself, promising lots of snazzy new functionality.

The new feed address is

However the old feed will automatically forward you to the new one for the forseeable future.

PS For all bloggers using FeedBurner, you MUST move the feed by Feb. 28, says Google. However, it’s quick and easy.


    • Right now, everything should forward to the Google feedburner feed, it that not working or are you getting the Feedburner feed anyway (I installed a new plugin that is supposed to handle all feeds.)

  1. I’m still getting the feed, but its not from feedburner that I can tell. My feed URL shows as, so whatever that points to is where I’m at. 🙂

    • That’s the feed from polizeros itself and will always work. Google Feedburner reads that feed and then outputs their feed, which has widgets I can add to it, like social bookmarking options, as well as Google Adwords.

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