Cleantech investing hit $5 billion in 2007

solar array

Co-founder and chairman of the Cleantech Group, Nicholas Parker, says: “We foresee continued growth over 2008 as the cleantech market cycle moves from early adoption to mainstream driver of wealth and job creation.”

If you’re reading this blog, you probably are an early adopter of cleantech, and may well be frustrated at the seemingly slow move to renewable energy and clean transportation.

Yet just in the past year, it’s become apparent that big business does get it, and is now moving full speed ahead into cleantech. In a year or two, all this will be mainstream and we will be seeing the birth of entire new industries. Hey, this might even be what pulls us out of the recession.

Here’s an example of how big business increasingly gets it.

Ultra-green next generation Wal-Mart stores will use 25% less energy than current stores.

The new high-efficiency store will have a white roof, low-flow bathroom fixtures, LED lights, and advanced daylight harvesting. And it’s the embodiment of Wal-Mart’s steps towards greener retailing. In another store in Chicago, Wal-Mart is testing a green roof.  They’re also working on packaging reduction, ethical and green sourcing, in-store recycling, and more.

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