ANSWER L.A. Forum: War resister Lt. Ehren Watada

Ehren Watada’s father, Bob Watada, will speak.Ehren Watada, Bob Watada

Tues, Oct. 3, 7pm
1800 Argyle Ave, #400, LA
(1 bl. N. of Hollywood, 1 bl. E. of Vine)

Ehren Watada is the first commissioned officer in the US military to refuse to serve in Iraq, saying that to do so would be a war crime. He is now facing a court martial, including the unusual charge of being disrespectful to the moral cripple who inhabits the White House.

From Wikipedia

On these charges, Watada’s lawyer, Eric Seitz, comments:

“Well, we expected him to be charged with missing movement or violating an order to get on a bus to accompany his unit to Iraq. We did not really anticipate that they would charge him with additional offenses based upon the comments and the remarks that he’s made. And that opens up a whole new chapter in this proceeding, because what the Army has clearly tried to do by the nature of these charges is send out a message to people in the military, that if you criticize the war and if you criticize the decisions that were made to bring the United States into this war, that you, too, could be charged with disloyalty, contemptuous remarks and disrespect for higher officers, and in this case, specifically in this charge, the President.”

His father, Bob Watada, was a draft resister during the Vietnam War, and will speak at an ANSWER LA Forum this coming Tuesday at 7 pm. was created by his mother, Carolyn Ho, in support her son.

If you’re in L.A., don’t miss this forum, all part of the ever-increasing dissent against the insane wars of the imperialists. Congress may be complicit, the people are not.

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