Craig Murray threatened with legal action

The British authorities are threatening legal action against Craig Murray due to his new book, Murder in Samarkland, which details the US/British policy of sending prisoners to Uzbekistan to be tortured.

They blocked him from putting some of his documenting evidence into the book so he put them online. Now they want those gone too based on a bizarre legal strategy, not saying the document are classified, but that they belong to the crown and thus are copyrighted. Sounds bogus, doesn’t it?

I guess they don’t know the Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.

From the comments to our post on the release of the book.

Please note that the British government is taking legal action against Murray for having published these documents. See my blog [Leninology] for the letter and e-mail exchange with the government’s solicitor. International blogs should face no legal difficulties in *mirroring* the documents from Murray’s site and putting them up for general view, of course.

BlairWatch is mirroring the files, and has continuing updates, as of course does Craig Murray. They are still on British servers, but may not be much longer.

Polizeros now has a mirror of the documents (12.8 mb download).

The more sites that mirror the files, the better. Bloggers, start your downloads.

[tags]Craig Murray, Murder in Samarkland[/tags]


  1. The Murray files…

    The former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig
    Murray, has finally managed to publish his book Murder in Samarkand in which
    he describes the appalling human rights abus……

  2. If some of you are worried about hosting the files on your own servers, I suggest doing it with a file hoster such as hosts over 23 million files, is located in Germany and one of the largest anonymous file hosting outfits.

    Once you get a url come back here and post it.

    I have the full Murray zip here – choose the free option to download – no problem.

    Other uploading sites include

    Etc. Many more here.

    This is much better than bittorrent for simple access as I could not find anyone online with the files available.

  3. Craig Murray: “Murder in Samarkand”, Freedom of Information Act documents censored!…

    Craig Murray is the outspoken former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, turned civil rights campaigner [Wikipedia biography]. His recently published book, “Murder in Samarkand”,describes the appalling human rights abuses perpetrated by the US-backed regi…

  4. Murder in Samarkand…

    Murray is the former British Ambassador to
    Uzbekistan. He wrote this telling book critical of US and British human
    rights abuses in the Middle East after he was fired from his job. The
    book itself is still widely ava…

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