Gnomedex: Geek Christmas

That’s what Sue called it when I came back from Gnomedex last year, she said I looked so happy it must have been Geek Christmas. And she was right.

I’ll be there again tomorrow, Thursday to Saturday, in Seattle. Gnomedex is about blogging, podcasting, web 2.0, ajax, rss, and how we can all use it to do amazing stuff.

Sen. John Edwards will be the keynote speaker, he was an early adopter of blogging and podcasting, and promises to talk tech, not politics.

Senator Edwards will quickly turn his time over to the Gnomedex audience, fielding questions and fostering discussion over how technology could and should play a role in our world.

The speaker list is impressive, and the format is different from other conferences.

This year, there will be no speakers at Gnomedex. There will be no panels, either. We realize this is a radical departure from the norm, but there’s a method to our madness. We’ve begun to invite a select group of people to be discussion leaders – individuals who will stand on stage, present an idea or two, answer questions, and then generally lead the audience’s discussion and participation.

I’ll be blogging Gnomedex as it happens from the floor (as will all of us.)

As part of contacts I’ve already made through Gnomedex, I’m in the beta for Yahoo Publisher, their ad-serving program, hence ads are now appearing in the left column. It’ll probably take it a few days for it to feed context-sensitive ads, and even that gets tricky. Just because Polizeros mentions George Bush doesn’t mean ads for Dubya t-shirts will be hitting the target audience. So, we’ll see if the ads end up being relevant and useful, I’ll give it a week or so.

Projects I’m working on, and plan to make contacts at Gnomdex about, include live video streaming, video podcasting, rss news feeds on websites, and maybe a mini-portal site or two on specific topics.

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