Banned from DailyKos?

Join the club and get your badge of honor!

So many people have been banned from the Blog of Democrat Androids it’s become something of a badge of honor. Heck, you’re practically not a real independent until you’ve been thrown out of the DNC’s fave-rave echo-blog.

Now, as a public service courtesy of Team IHAS, you can proudly let everyone know what you think of the centrist yellow-stripe donkey party by slapping one of these babies on your blog, website or whatever patch of cyber-realestate you call home.

They offer fifteen images, covering a wide variety of Kos-ian belief errors, here’s one of them…

Banned from DailyKos


  1. Freshly banned myself, I’m excited to announce that they were kind enough over at “Alan Smithee’s” to add one more flavor after I requested it: “Mentioned Armando!”

    hoot hoo-oo-oot…..

  2. I am “LakeSuperior” at Daily Kos, but I have been banned by the Kos-borgs…I can access the site but cannot recommend or post diaries.

    Those Daily Kos guardians sure must have sensitive banning trigger fingers. This morning I “recommended” a diary that questioned the issue of the world trade center collapse and I can no longer recommend or post diaries…no warnings…done like the Republicans disenfranchised voters in Ohio.

    It is like being back and high school and being dissed by the prevailing clique. I apparently blundered into a rule Kos rule violation I didn’t even know existed and then
    booted without notice. For a site preaching democracy, that isn’t very democratic and it sure doesn’t constitute due process.

    I guess I won’t be going to “yearly kos” anytime soon. I’ll take what I can contribute and my activism and go elsewhere….and I had even been considering a life membership on daily kos…..

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