E.P.A. struggles to determine extent of hazards in sludge

The magnitude and geographic sweep of
the pollution left by Hurricane Katrina is so enormous that the
Environmental Protection Agency is struggling to determine what the
worst hazards are, where they are and what can be done about them.

Perhaps they need to struggle a teensy bit harder, y’know, before
thousands die over the next few years from the results of this very
same toxic sludge.

who have studied other floods say that receding waters leave mud,
sometimes contaminated with toxic chemicals, on streets and mold on
walls. When dry, each can become airborne.

Solutions, EPA, we need solutions for, not explanations of, what will
be happening. Black mold, as just one example, is highly toxic if
inhaled. How is EPA mitigating this serious health hazard? Talk is
cheap, action is needed.