More on America Coming Together

More on America Coming Together

These are the folks who will raise hundreds of millions in soft money to defeat Bush.

Leaders of America Coming Together and the Media Fund say they are simply pursuing the type of political activities that have helped the Republican Party for years. They note that the GOP has benefited from ads and other political efforts financed by numerous pro-GOP business organizations and advocacy groups that oppose abortion and restrictions on gun ownership.

Check this interesting take on  it

Dick Morris says Democrats “have created an off-the-shelf, unregulated, uncontrolled, soft-money vehicle to run the campaign in 2004. Without the reporting obligations that the DNC has, the independent-expenditure organization can fund anything it wants — overt or covert — to advance the party agenda in 2004.”

“The independent-expenditure effort amounts to more than just an attempt to continue to live off the soft money the Democrats had battled to ban. It is a virtual abandonment of the DNC as the central vehicle for the party’s campaign next year.”

The DNC, controlled by the Clintons and allies, have damn near destroyed the Democratic Party by their befuddled attempt to grab some illusory middle, rather than take a serious stand on anything substantive- so it’s illuminating indeed that some very heavy hitters are doing an end-run around the DNC and the dinosaurs still nominally in control of the Democratic Party.