Open Source gaining critical mass

Open Source gaining critical mass

Expert predicts OpenOffice revolution 

“The world is approaching the tipping point for switching over to open source, including” Them’s fightin’ words, and the woman who spoke them — Solveig Haugland — isn’t afraid to fight against the juggernaut that is Microsoft Office. She’s firmly in the open source office suite camp and, in this interview, she cites several major corporations and organizations that have joined her there. Then she offers how-to advice about migrating to and straight talk about which businesses should and should not dump Office.

The State of Massachusetts and the European Union are encouraging a switch to open software and away from Windows, and many businesses have already or are planning to do the same. People, increasingly, are weary of the bloated, proprietary offerings from Microsoft that, of course require endless patches to fix security holes that never should have existed at all.