The spirit of Philip Berrigan…

The spirit of Philip Berrigan lives on…

“You cannot wash the blood away”. Protestors pour blood on the Pentagon and near the White House.

Audio feed from Democracy Now.


“At 7 am this morning over 50 people gathered at a brand new Metro entrance to the Pentagon. Three people were able to pour the symbol of blood on the Pentagon walls, columns, and doors before being arrested. the group stood vigil holding signs and banners for about half an hour before ordered to leave by military police and the defense protective service, and others. chants included: “this is the blood of the innocents, you cannot wash the blood away,” “no more war, no more terror,” and “thou shalt not kill–leave the military.” Workers streamed past on the way in and out of the building. The soliders grabbed the camera of a 16 year old trying to take a picture of the blood on the wall. Almost everyone was pushed back but around 10 stayed and were arrested along with the three who had poured blood. They are still in custody.

On Saturday December 28th at the White House, over 75 gathered and 16 people were arrested protesting the war on Iraq. Four people poured blood around the bodies of people dying-in on the sidewalk in the no protest zone in front of the White House. At this writing, two are still locked up and waiting arraignment for a possible felon charge for pouring blood. These actions were part of an annual Faith and Resistance Retreat of the Atlantic Life Community celebrating the Feast of the Holy Innocents.”